How to create static pages for your Blogger blog, Your Step by Step Guide

How to create static pages for your Blogger blog, Your Step by Step Guide

How to create static pages for your Blogger blog, Your Step by Step Guide

Create Static Pages

Between Posts and Pages

Before we dive into the process of creating static pages for your Blogger blog, let's clarify a fundamental question: What is the difference between posts and pages?


Your posts are the heart of your blog, where you share your primary content, whether it's classroom updates, task information, documents, or more. These posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, with the newest posts appearing at the top of your blog's main page.

When you examine a typical post, you'll notice the following components:

  • Post Title - Grabs readers' attention and gives them a glimpse of your post's topic.
  • Post Date - Displays the publication date, usually at the top of the post.
  • Written by - Shows the post author's name, often your username.
  • Comments - Allows readers to engage, share their thoughts, and participate in discussions.
  • Content - The main information you want to share with your audience.
  • Categories - Organizes your posts, similar to chapters in a book.
  • Tags - Provide detailed keywords to help readers find your posts.


Pages, on the other hand, are intended for sharing information that doesn't require frequent updates. Common examples of pages include:

  1. About Us Page - Introduce yourself and your blog to readers.
  2. Contact Us Page - Facilitate communication with your audience.
  3. Privacy Policy Page - Address data privacy and legal requirements.
  4. Terms and Conditions Page - Set the rules for using your website.

When you look at a typical page, it consists of:

  • Page Title - Describes the page's content.
  • Page Content - The information you want to share.
  • Comments - Can be enabled but are typically disabled for pages.

The Importance of Creating Static Pages

Adding static pages to your Blogger blog is crucial for AdSense approval. Pages like "About Us," "Contact Us," "Privacy Policy," and "Terms and Conditions" define the relationship between you and your readers. They provide essential information and create trust.

Moreover, organizing your blog with pages, such as in a navigation bar or menu, makes it easier for readers to access critical information. In the next sections, we'll guide you through the steps to add these important pages to your Blogger blog.

Steps to Add Pages in Your Blogger Blog

Let's get started with creating static pages for your Blogger blog.

First: Create an About Us Page

An "About Us" page is where your readers can learn more about you or your company. It typically includes:

  • Your business history and why you started it.
  • What makes you and your brand special?
  • Photos of you or your team.
  • Your company's core values and beliefs.
  • Reasons why customers should choose you.

Here are the steps to create an "About Us" page:

  1. Log in to your Blogger blog and click on the "Pages" link.
  2. Click the "New Page" button.
  3. 1
  4. Type the page title and add the page content. Don't forget to click "Publish" to make the page visible on your blog.

If you have HTML code for the page, you can paste and edit it in the HTML view.

Second: Create a Contact Us Page

Your "Contact Us" page is another essential part of your blog. It provides readers with a way to get in touch with you. You can follow similar steps as before to create this page.

Third: Create a Privacy Policy Page

Your blog's privacy policy is crucial for legal compliance. It explains how you handle visitors' personal information and is required by regulations like GDPR and CCPA. Follow the steps to create this page.

Fourth: Create a Terms and Conditions Page

If you need custom terms and conditions for your blog, this is the page to create. It sets the rules for using your website. The process is similar to the previous steps.

Feel free to create any other static pages you might need.

Blogger Page Settings

Your Blogger pages come with settings for search descriptions and reader comments. Here's how to set them up:

  • Search Description: Write a concise meta description (within 150 characters) for your page to help with SEO.
  • Reader Comments(Options): Decide whether you want to allow comments on the page.
  • Custom Robot Tags : is to provide a way to customize how search engines treat specific pages on your Blogger blog. It allows you to control the indexing and rendering of these pages in search engine results.
  • Choose the settings as in the following image:


Blogger uses the page title as the default permalink. You can't set custom permalinks directly, but there's a workaround:

  1. Prepare your custom permalink before creating the page.
  2. When creating the page, use your custom permalink as the page title.
  3. Publish the page, and you've effectively set a custom permalink.

Blogger Page Delete and Unpublished Options

If you ever need to make changes to your page or decide to remove it, Blogger provides options:

  • Revert to Draft: This option allows you to edit your page further before publishing it.
  • Delete Page: If you no longer need the page, you can delete it.

Show Pages in Your Site Menu

Now that you've created your pages, it's time to add them to your site's menu for easy access by your readers. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Layout" section of your Blogger dashboard.
  2. Layout
  3. Click the "Edit" button in the "Pages" gadget.
  4. pages-1
  5. Click the "ADD A NEW ITEM" button.
  6. add-new-item
  7. Now you just need to give the link a title and paste the link to it in the options. then click the "SAVE" button to save it: page-item

That's it! Your static pages are now accessible to your readers through your site's menu.

By following these steps and creating static pages for your Blogger blog, you're not only enhancing user experience but also meeting the requirements for AdSense acceptance. Static pages provide crucial information and help build trust with your audience.


Creating static pages for your Blogger blog is a crucial step in providing essential information to your readers and improving your blog's credibility. Not only does it enhance the user experience, but it's also a requirement for AdSense approval. By following our step-by-step guide, you'll be on your way to a more organized and user-friendly blog.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let's address some common questions related to creating static pages for a Blogger blog:

  • Q: Can I customize the design of my static pages?
  • A: Yes, you can customize the design of your static pages by editing your blog's template. Blogger offers various customization options.

  • Q: How many static pages can I create on Blogger?
  • A: Blogger allows you to create an unlimited number of static pages for your blog.

  • Q: Do I need coding skills to create static pages?
  • A: No, you don't need coding skills. Blogger provides a user-friendly interface for creating and editing pages without coding knowledge.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy blogging!

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